Climbing Camelback Mountain
Scottsdale, AZ
By Brooke

We woke up in the morning and started getting ready for the big hike. We needed hiking shorts, tennis shoes, sunscreen, camelback backpacks, sandwiches, and hiking sticks. It was the perfect day! Not too hot and not too cold. It was about 70 degrees and a little bit sunny. We all had to squish into one car… Hailey, Alisa and I had to sit in the trunk! At first, we thought Camelback would be much easier, like a dirt trail. From a distance it does not look too challenging, but it is very challenging. When we got there, we noticed that our trail was rated extremely difficult. When we got on the trail it was pretty easy right away, it was just a dirt path winding to some stairs. When we got up the stairs, we noticed there was a cliff we had to climb. There was also a railing and I held on tight with a death grip. When we got on top of the cliff, we noticed it was much steeper than it looked like when we were at the bottom. We did not want to go back down it. Hailey was flying up the mountain. she was the first to the top of the mountain. We all made it to the top!!! We were the only kids up there. Once we made it to the top, we took a selfie and then ate lunch. We all had sandwiches and chips and water from my Camelback backpack I carried all the way up. We saw a blimp from the golf event, and a drone flew over us. When we were headed down Hailey and I were in the lead. Then the boys got ahead of us. Dad stayed back with Alisa to go at their own pace, because the rocks were as big as she was (and a lot of them were bigger!). Then Mom and Hailey stopped to take a break. Aunt Jenny and I kept going. We met up with Brady, Uncle Sean, and Max when we were almost done. Then the five of us finished and waited for Mom, Dad, Alisa, and Hailey. Itwas a very wild hike but super fun!!! It took us 4 hours!